Friday, September 17, 2010

SUmmer 2010. Epic (sort of)

So, strange being home. For one, I was freezing when ever I wasn't directly in the sun light. I did not get in trouble for wearing a tank top or shorts, and I could drive where ever I wanted without having to check back in to the house to make sure that no one else needed the car! Glorious freedom!

One problem with Canada though is that it's so curvy!!! The roads are terribly curvy and for a while I had trouble getting into the swing of things. I would drive and look down and then all of a sudden I'd be in the middle of the oncoming lane and my own because of the crazy curve in the road...they just sneak up on you! But, thank heavens I was protected from my own ridiculous problem with curves. Running was also an issue. I remember running for 12 or more kilometers without an issue. NOW, I run for three, even two, and I'm tuckered right out. My confusion is easily corrected by these explanations #1: I can no longer constantly see my goal location...even if it is 12 K away, I could always see, you can't see it until the very last moment when you round the bend! #2: Hills. need I say more? Anyway, long story short, being in shape in Canada and being in Shape in the middle east may be two different things....

The food is something that I can't take for granted. Smokies, PORK, gluten free and dairy free places, yogen fruz. booster juice, farmers markets....oh glorious Canada and it's glorious food.

Scenery. I can't tell you how peaceful and calming and wonderful it is to be put in the mountains with rich colours, rolling rocks, wild life, fresh air, crystal clear (yet freezing) water.... Or, what it's like to go to the country...with golden yellow's different green's and browns and hue's of all kinds and nothing around but quiet. Oh, I know that Katie Perry has that ridiculous song about how California is the prettiest place ever...but I don't think she's been to Canada. We have a million different kinds of beauty, and most within a 4 hour drive! Granted, that being said, I do need a solid Canadian road trip. And I need to see the East Coast. But that's for another day.

I enjoyed many days with friends and family. It is really cool to be at home and have nothing to do but spend time with people. that part of teaching is pretty nice. I may need to aquire a master's degree sooner than later...then I'll get even longer summers!!!! BUt seriously, the people made my vacation home wonderful.

I bought all the things I thought i'd need and shipped off...saying good-bye to the newley wed's Andrew and Kara Lise Forrest who put up with me for many a night....good-bye to my friends Kirsten and Ashley, Bethany and Melissa, who are some of the greatest ladies in history. I said good-bye to funny people, quiet people, loud people, crazy people, interesting people, and familiar people... and part of me sometimes wonders how I did/do that every time. BUT, on with the adventures!!!!

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