Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello Hong Kong! Here comes Talia!

well, because I've been here for over a month, I guess I should have had a ton of time to figure out what I was going to say...but so much has already happened I might have a loss or words, or miss a story, due to being overwhelmed by what could possibly be vital information....however, I rarely have a loss of words, so let's give this a try shall we?

Arriving at the airport was simple. The flight was easy, and we were greated by the vice principal of the school I'm working at who got us onto a shuttle to our hotel. That first night my friend Tawnie, who was travelling with me, and I simply went to bed. It was dark anyway, so all I could have told you about the city was that it has a lot of lights.

That first day, we took a tour of some houses that they had hoped would be suitable for Tawnie, Alicia and myself to share. Of course we were assuming some pretty big things as we'd pooled our resources, so how could we not end up with something fabulous. Well, I fell off my high horse pretty fast when I saw the size of the rooms. Oh heavens were they small. Not small as in, "quiant" but small as in..."could a bed of any size truly fit in there?" or "where do you put your feet when you're head is in the room" or "dog house??" I mean literally, you could put one item of furniture in you choose...clothes or a bed. You can't have both. It was insanity!

So, immediatley we knew we would kill each other if we were sharing that kind of space, because the living space was about the size of a normal bedroom, and the kitchen was the size of a small 1/2 bath, and the bathroom was the size of a small 1/2 bath as well...So, when all was said and done, we really couldn't share.

So, we split our view points and began looking for other options over the next couple of days. It was really a shame that we had to work so hard to do it all....but regardless, Tawnie found one early on, and she was able to get into her place on the 31st...which was the day after school began for me. Alicia found one that cost more than the budget...but it's really really nice, still small, but the owners took out some walls to make the space much more modern and liveable. Plus it's furnished....and I - well, I didn't find anything. However, I didn't give up.... well I told my self I wasn't giving up.

Anyway,, somewhere around the beginning of September, I finally found a place. I wasn't able to give it a good look because while I was viewing the house, the tenant and her small baby were pulling on my leg and yelling at each other, and there were telletubbies playing in the background... I wasn't exactly comfortable with digging through to see if drawers were working properly, or lights, or if the black stuff around the tub was mould or not.... BUT, I saw the view. The most beautiful view. The whole city, the water, the hills and mountains...I can see it all from my 42nd floor balcony...but, at night, when the lights are all on and the rest of the scene is's amazing. peaceful (as much peace as you can find in the dead of the city), and scerene... It makes me forget where I am and how I have no furniture and am still living out of a suitcase.

Anyway. On the 11th of September, I got to move in. I have a key and a smile and a bunch of blankets and suitcases and really, I couldn't be happier...but now I'm starting to wish for things, like a bed, dinner table, chairs, coffe table, bed side tables, matresses, garbage cans, cosmetics basket, ironing board, deck table and chairs, dresser, wardrobe, lamps, candles, know. Stuff. Im wishing for stuff. But, to everything there is a season, and with me paying off school and junk, I might have to forgo a few of those items...but really, a wardrobe is crucial. As long as it fits into my bedroom!!!

That is the "housing" chapter.

stay tuned for the "people" and "food" and "weird things to see" chapters.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,Hope you had a great time!!Keep writing more..:):)
