Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let's look in the bright side.

Ok, So I've now been informed that my blog is too negative, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about the really good things that happen here in the UAE.

I guess the first would be that there are far more outlets than I thought there would be. For instance, I'm in the sweet musical Beauty and the Beast, and I also have had the new opportunity to join in an all female barbershop chorus. It's called Voices of harmony, and I joined quite late, so I'm now working really hard at picking up on the music. I've convinced Alicia to join as well.

On top of that, there are plenty of fun groups to join on-line, and meeting people is always interesting. Most people here when in a one on one setting are really quite kind, and always interesting.

I have run into more random adventures in the last couple of months than perhaps in three years at home.

This week alone, I've painted a set for a play, had a chance to sing barbershop, found a polo game to watch (which will be on Friday and I can't wait!), I have attempted a shooting range, hopefully gone atv'ing in the desert, and gone kayaking down some mangroves. There is a lot to do...

I also was lucky enough to find a university fair at the very last minute, and from there, Alicia and I wound up taking a ride in a car with some random locals...which certainly would never even be a considered option at home. Strange.

I am getting involved with dancing and have decided that I shall continue with some dance lessons over the summer if I'm able. ballroom dancing... who would have thought it was so much fun!

The weather in the UAE is fabulous! I like it hot, and that's what I'm getting. It's pretty standardly like 38 degrees in the afternoon now. Awesome!

I've had opportunities to go desert camping, eat at luxurious places, see Korean drum shows, join an athletic group, go ten pin bowling, twice! Paintball. There are many things that I've enjoyed in the UAE and part of me is thinking that I may have decided to rush off to Hong Kong a little too quickly, as I'm finally getting settled here and making some really good friends.

Salsa festival at the end of this month...things are certainly becoming way more fun than they used to be!

So anyway, please don't think that everything here is bad and I hate it...it's just that the things that don't make sense and are different tend to air on the negative side, but I will try and put a more positive spin on some things.

Where did I leave off last time?

i don't remember, so some of this might be repeats.

I have been loving doing the play, Beauty and the Beast which is preforming MAy 5-8! buy buy buy! Anyway, it's been a hoot! Some of the people from the show have turned out to be really good friends. We went out to brunch one day, which for those who don't know is basically a really big buffet with fabulous food, and it's all you can eat and drink for one base price. you can go alcoholic or non...I went non for those who wonder :). But, it was a really good time!

After that brunch, we did a long drive into Al Ain, (like 1.5? hours) And we went paintballing!! I don't know why I haven't done that yet, but it is really fun! The adrenaline is so high because you're thinking about the pain of when you get hit...and it does sting. but, it's really quite fun and I had a great time. Came away with two welts, not to shabby.

I have been out dancing twice to Dubai. They teach some lessons to get you started, and then you have pay to keep it going. If I had my own car to get to Dubai whenever I wished, I may have just signed up for lessons. It's not in Abu Dhabi, too bad. But, I've also been through a little more of Dubai. I'm still hoping to have dinner at the burge Al Arab...but, it's in the works.

I've been watching plenty of movies, and working on my beautiful golden brown tan...which I am still proud of.

Otherwise, I'm planning which Masters programs to apply to, and I'm still trying to get my paperwork sorted for Hong Kong which is a process.

So, that's what I'm up to these days. Plus, this week is a vacation week, and then I'm down to ten teaching weeks (starting sunday) and then after that, have like 4 days to do nothing. Things are going well.

I love and miss you all tons.


1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about your adventures... I think I have said that before... but I really do... you make me want to travel... but I am not that adventurous anymore...
    I miss you
    and pray you are doing well
    take care
