Saturday, March 13, 2010

other strange things

1. it is not unusual to pass someone on a higway exit
2. it is not ususual to recieve a proposal of marriage while grocery shopping.
3. It is not ususual to sneak into a back room to purchase pork products including poptarts, beans, and hot dogs, and chips with bacon flavour.
4. It is not unusual for people to blame their behaviour, the behaviour of the weather, or everyone else, and of the government on the will of Allah....hence, EnshAllah.
5. It no longer surprises me to see that there are no garbage bins in a park, but, there are men in orange suits all ready to take your trash instead.
6. I no longer think it strange to see people having a conference, family reunion, or picnic on the edge of the highway.
7. Signs that say women only often have obiyah's in the picture.
8. billiards are found in fun houses, but not in bars.
9. smoking is not taboo over here. It makes me ill...I love the idea of going back to Canada sometime and knowing that there will not be clouds of smoke in every eatery.
10. it's very common to have a construction detour, but no signs to tell you where to go to get back to where you wanted to be going.
11. round-a-bouts/traffic circles CAN replace left hand turns, but in my opinion it's silly to backtrack as much as we must.
12. going dancing here pretty much means you'll be doing the salsa...there aren't many other options that people know.
13. Roads do not have to be paved... or even flat.

I'll think of more later. I think I may start keeping a list...there is some pretty funny stuff that goes on over here.


  1. This makes me laugh. What's an obiyah?

  2. I really enjoy reading all you have to say :)

  3. Wow girl! You are so negative, aren't you? Life is much more beautiful than you think!

    As for Salsa, it is not the only thing available, there are plenty of other stuff.

    But anyway .. you are not happy with UAE, let's see what you will like in China, dog liver? Insects? Human meat?


  4. An Obiyah is the national dress, a long black cloak and then they wear a black head scarf on top.

    And Zak, you're right...things aren't so bad. I actually like more than I've mentioned. As for dog liver....gross.
