Saturday, November 7, 2009

The weekend

So, I've been hearing al sorts of horror stories about what is going on at home...rumors of snow, ice, storms, and sub zero temperatures have me being very thankful that I'm experiencing a year where those things aren't part of my daily life. I went for the 5th weekend in a row to the beach to chill and watch the pristine water, take naps in the sun, play with the fish that swim into our cove, and read. I am currently sporting darker skinned look that only is accomplishable when away from Canada. I do like it. The pasty pale "winter time" Talia will not be showing her face this year! Hurah! Maybe next year.

So, on Wednesday this week one of the families who lives in our building found two 11week old saluki puppies in a box while they were taking their own dog for a walk. Of course, their dog didn't like the puppies, and so, they needed a place to keep them, not to mention, they are a family of 4 in a suite the same size as the one Alicia and I share, so space was an issue. So, after the family took them to the vet to make sure they weren't carrying some crazy diseases, and getting them their puupy shots, they found a very nice family for both pups in another emirate (Ras Al Kamer). So, for the remainder of the weekend, the wee babes needed a home, which Alicia and I were more than happy to provide. They were so soft and small and adorable, I had a hard time not asking to keep one. But, when you think of the fact that you'd have to pay for them to have shots, and you'd have to get them vet checked here, plus get permission to take them into Canada, and have them vet checked there, and then quarentined, and then there are licences and all sorts of things, it seemed like an effort that wasn't worth it. Also, they wined for a goo chunk of the evening, and though we did get several hours of sleep, the little things woudl wake up hungry at around 5 am. Now, I get up at 5am on weekdays, but weekends, that's just not ok. then, there was the pee on the floor. There was plenty of it. All the time...and our tiles are tan coloured, so you don't even always see it...i had to wash a pair of socks, and pajama bottoms, plus, the bottoms of my feet a couple of times. So, all in all, I've learned that a puppy is as much work as a baby (maybe not quite) and I'm in no place to have one...though, when I get home and settle in a bit....

This weekend one of our collegues held a wine and cheese party, and included a scavenger hunt where there was a secret message on the table that included mostly blank spaces. You had to secretly saunter around the room and find hidden clues (but it's all very secret). Each clue is a riddle which must be solved and then it will be the answer to one of the blanks. I am happy to say that I found all of the clues, but Steve Stahl found 8 of the 9 (but was able to solve the puzzle) and won before I had a chance to follow through. So, I sort of won, but only in theory. Anyway, it was really a good time, which was followed by eating heaps of new cheeses and then dancing and singing along with U tube videos. Good nite! I also learned that I am not very sneaky...and I feel as though I should not take up a career in espionage as several times I would go for a clue, and someone else would find that same clue directly behind, I'll cancel that off of my possible career paths box.

Apart from the puppies, and the beach, and the party, not a lot happened this week. Still have an upcoming party on friday for pashminas and jewlery, and, my class is taking their first field trip on Tuesday which may or may not be a complete disaster, but, it should be an adventure regardless.

I'm fairly sold on the fact that though it makes a great deal of sense for me to stay, I'm going to try and either teach in Alberta next year, or get a different job. I know that this coming summer will be out, but I still really want to try and get a job on a fire tower! We shall see where to Lord leads.

also, for those who are concerned, I have not seen the dogs since that one day last week...I hope someone hit all 9 of them with their car! but chances are, they'll be back.

Thank you as well to those who have sent me recipes, I've been trying to get back some of the good ol' home cooking. Debbie, can you send me the one for lazy cabbage roles?

love you all.


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