Tuesday, November 3, 2009

two teaching months down...8 to go

It's November now. Man, time flies...but then, I feel like I've been here for a really long time, so perhaps time keeps an even pace after all. Anyway, since the last time I wrote, I had a really good week at school, the kids are starting to finally figure out the reward systems, and that they work, and are behaving much better. I suppose it took them a little while because of the inconsistency with Ramadan, days off, new students, and other things. We are on the right track now though, for last week and for this one as well. Hurrah! I can thank all of the many lectures on classroom management I guess, or, the creativity given to me by my parents, but whomever is to be thanked, it's making my life a lot easier. Things are still frustrating in a lot of ways, I'm still working on getting basic resources to fulfill my teaching needs, and this week I almost had to argue with my principal, which would have been ridiculous, over payment for my support class, however, thankfully that has all been worked out. Whatever, overall, it's been a good year, and it's certainly still a great place to teach for a first year. I have a lot of support from other teachers, and I'm feeling accepted by all. We had a huge party on the 30th to celebrate the birth of one of our staff's wife's new grand daughters. It was really fun, and we had an impromptu danceathon, and I made popcorn balls, which went over really well. This Friday there is a wine and cheese evening to attend, and next Friday, which coincidentally is the 13th, Alicia and I are hosting a party, much like a Tupperware, or Mary Kay party, but instead it's all hand made bedding, beautiful jewelry, and pashmina scarves in every colour under the sun. I'm planning to make some healthy cookies, and my mom sent me a chicken recipe that I'm craving, so I'll whip that up and make it into finger food somehow. Really, I'm excited, and keeping busy, while still trying to save my money.

Money though is ultimately going to make me go crazy. There just is never enough is there? I either don't' do anything, or go anywhere, and not eat, OR, I spend money and can't pay it all back, PLUS, as long as the Canadian dollar is doing better, than my money here doesn't go as far to the debt. I converted an entire budget on a 3 to 1 ratio...and it's really closer to 3.5 to 1, which changes the number a great deal. Alas. But I know I”m preaching to the choir on this one, and I'm not the first to realize what a sacrifice it is to pay off debt...once I'm out of this, I think I'll never take debt again if I can help it. Screw a mortgage and car payments. I'll save till I've got it. (aren't I the idealist?)

Anyway. I'm still going running. I plan to take some video footage of my route, just so you can all see how terribly boring it is. Desert, desert and more desert. Though, for over a month now there have been reports from other runners (almost my whole building does some type of walking or running, but we're the only house in the entire neighbourhood that does :) ) that there has been a large pack of wild dogs running around. Of course, normally the size of the dogs and how scrawny they are would not be an issue, but when there are nine hungry dogs, and it's dark, and all you have to run to is the desert, it's a little frightening...what if they turned on you one day? So, every time I go running, whether 5am or in the evening, I bring a can of Raid with me. I know it's stupid and it might not do very much, but it is more for a mental piece of mind. So, for the last couple of weeks that I'd finally begun running again, I haven't seen the dogs. And then yesterday morning, the first day I forgot my raid, is the day I see them. There are about nine, and they're skinny, and lanky, like small grey hounds. They did not attack, but a couple of them followed me for a while, I stopped running so I didn't look like a fun game, and eventually they left me alone. But, now, I'm very careful to bring along the raid...if the spray doesn't scare them, then I can whack them with the metal can!

The other evening, I got a call from my old friend Vik, who I had met at our little hero's pub when we lived back at the Crystal hotel. Vik had purchased tickets to the F1 races, which were about 600 Canadian dollars, so there was no way I was going. The tickets to the races were accompanied by some really good concerts, namely Kings of Leon, and Aerosmith, and, Beyonce. He called and said, “if you can get to Yas Island by 6 (it was 5 when I got this call), then you can have a free ticket!” Well, that was exciting. So, I ran to the nearest traffic circle to grab a cab. Now, you have to realize that I live out in the middle of the desert, and we often don't get cab's coming around. I waited about 15 minutes and saw two pass by, but they were both full. So, finally a third comes. It pulls over and I say in my “Arabic-English”, “YAS ISLAND” and he said “what?” so I said “Yas Island” and he had no idea. The thing is that Yas Island is just opened up for the F1, so not all of the taxi's know it yet, even though there is an enormous amount of advertisement on all of the roads. But, lucky (I think) for me, a second empty cab pulled up just then, and he said he knew where the island was, so I got in. The problem was, that he was lying. He got lost right away, in the first two minutes and had to ask for directions before turning around. The thing is to turn around, you have to drive to the nearest round about and do a full loop. Then, he had to get petrol...and after work is the absolute busiest time. (So, remember that I have one hour to make it, and I've taken at least a half hour to get a taxi, and get lost.) So, we're getting petrol, which takes another fifteen minutes. What's worse is that he tried to keep the meter running, so I made him turn it off and start fresh. He was a tool. So, after the gas up, we drove about ten more minutes in the wrong direction, and then he pulled over once more to speak to another cabby. This guy though wanted to chat, so still another five minutes go by for the two cab drivers to catch up...how fabulous. So, we're driving the right direction finally, but I'm already ten minutes late, and then we get onto the island which has the most crowded streets I've seen since I've been here, probably only because of the concert. The taxi driver was not impressed with the wait, and Iwas not impressed with the idea that I would have to pay him for the wait, so, I rolled down my window and got the attention of the car beside me, waiting in the same line up of cars. The car was full of three philippeno women. I asked them if they were going to Beyonce, and they said “yes” and then I asked if they had room for a fourth because my cab driver was being impatient, and they said “yes” again! So, I got out of my taxi, chucked the guy some undeserved money (though, he does need it more than I do regardless) and got in with the ladies. Apparently they were from Dubai and were just here for the concert, and had received tickets from their boss. We had a good chat, for the last half hour which was entirely spent in traffic jams. Eventually we parked and went out separate ways, I met up with Vik who had my ticket, and we waited for the concert to begin.

It ended up being a really great show. I honestly am not that good at knowing things abotu pop culture and some of the songs she sang her older songs especially, I didn't know she actually sang. It was really great. A lot of bumping and grinding and sex at the beginning, which I think for this country was incredibly scandalous, however, things tamed up for the second half, and I enjoyed every moment of the show. I wish there were seats though. For such a brand new venue where they're planning to have tons of concerts and things, they made this enormous stadium, standing room only, and what's worse is you're standing on pebbles! On top of that, they didn't have anywhere to buy food, so if you were planning to eat, you had better have brought something. But, that's how things work in this country, they're a little behind the times in some ways, and way way far ahead in others.

This week, nothing big and exciting has happened. I did end up buying some runners, but it killed me to spend the money. My knees had better thank me. I also bought some nice work sandals for the same reason. I don't want to damage my legs for good because I'm too cheap. I thought I'd put at least an effort in.

For those who are still wondering. I will be in Edmonton from the 19th of December until the 6th or 7th of January. I will have family Christmas, and a few days in panorama (fingers crossed), and I've been booked for a wedding, as well as to help make some wedding invitations. Otherwise, I'm free. You will need to facebook me though, as I won't have a cell phone. I'll try and check it everyday.

Love you lots. Kisses and hugs, and I'll let you know how our party goes!

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