Sunday, November 15, 2009

So, the party.

Well, our little party was really fun! I was able to buy most people's christmas gifts, and I enjoyed making healthy cookies and queso for everyone. of course, i burned two rounds of queso, so we ended up having chips and salsa, nothing else, however, the cookies turned out really well and I was even asked for the recipe! That almost never happens with my cooking!

I enjoyed hostessing. I also enjoyed how clean our house looked, though, to be fair, it looks clean a lot, we're really careful to put things away, my mom would be proud...though, she might not believe it..but I still make my bed almost every day!

On Tuesday last week we took the children to the kid city science park for a field trip. We were supposed to have a workshop about the 5 senses (which we did have) but I have to say it was the absolute worst puppet show i've ever seen. Imagine a lady who talks very very quickly with an arabic accent and is saying "oh my God" to 5 year olds every other phrase. now, imagine her talking quickly with two puppets on her hands, and the puppets are using even more high pitched voices, but to make sure that the kids don't think that she is the puppeteer, she puts the "speaking" puppet right in front of her mouth...and speeds up her talking even more. I have to say, that if you can't imagine it, you're all the better off. it was horrible.

The actual park was really cool though. it's like the telus world of science, but better because it's was more hands on. The kids really loved that part. no one had an accident, and overall, it was a good first field trip.

We also had a party in our classroom, after working for over 6 weeks on good behaviour. The kids basically ate more junkfood than they may have in the combination of their entire lives to date. I have never seen kids that full of sugar. We had kids who were sick, kids who were under tables and rolling on the floor, screamers. I can't say I loved the experience, but, they enjoyed themselves and that's what matters, afterall, it was THEIR party.

So, this week, I ran 11K. I also ran it a second time which tells me that I didn't just fluke it out and that i actually can run that far. it made me happy. I will continue to try and up my speed on the 10/11K and then once I can do it in an hour or so (right now i'm at 1.15), I'll try and up my route. I think that my plan is to train for a half marathon, though, I never in my life have thought i could do it, but i'm halfway there already and i'm just going runnign liesurly. so, it might just be possible.

Our second Eid break is coming up. That means that we'll have more time to sit around and chill while everyone takes a vacation. Alicia's parents are coming at that time and we'll do some sight seeing. there is also rumor of camping on the beach....I love camping! So we teach this week, then we teach sunday monday next week, have two weeks of parent teacher interviews (as report cards are out at the end of the week...what fun report cards are when you're having parties all the time). Then, we take from thursday until the following monday off, have to work one day (mid week) on december 1st. Then we take the rest of the week and weekend off.
We teach two weeks (only two) and then there is christmas holiday. So, basically after this week it's all sunshine and roses until I see you all!

Life is good.

hugs and kisses, and we'll chat after eid break....also, i've been doing skype dates on Monday mornings, (Canada time), though I can change that around if it's helpful for others. let me know.


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