Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello March. How did you get here so fast?

So February is nearly I'm sure you can tell based on the fact that the entire world shares the same calendar, however, I'm working on winning the "queen obvious" award this year. Anyway, enough of that digression.

It is true though that this month seemed fast. Probably because I am so busy this week that I can't remember the start of February, therefore, it isn't in my scheme, and instead I am only thinking of this past week. Regardless, it was a good month.

The theme of the month has been love. I am indeed learning more and more about love. How to love, and how to prioritize myself so that love is included in my life. I think I've been pretty severely convicted about NOT showing enough love to those who need it. Passing people by when they're hungry or tired or simply if they need help. Or, not being generous enough with the gifts that I've been given. Or, simply getting myself into a panick over things that truly don't matter in the grand plan, but I feel like they make all the difference to my life.

It's time to change. How? I'm not quite sure, but I bet that God has a pretty good idea, and I'm equally sure that he'll let me know.

Other than focusing on love, I've been fairly busy with life in several other aspects as well. School being one of them. I know that I didn't want to teach in Canada because the expectation is much higher than anywhere on the planet...but I laugh at myself now. Ha ha ha Talia. Boy were you wrong. You are catching me right directly in the middle of report card season right now. So, I will likely be out of commission the next week and a bit. Not to mention my being involved with the high school musical, the upcoming GID trip to China and the several meetings per week that we are all used to going to, and finally, more kindergarten interviews coming up.

A teacher needs to be a very special individual to want to do all of these things. I am evidently not a teacher at heart, but merely in practice.

I would yet again love to tell you that there have been an infinite amount of random things to see and adventures to be had, but there really isn't. The cold lifted today though, Praise the Lord a million times! I don't hate anything today, and I had the energy to cook and clean. It's interesting what effect the cold has on me. I become this crazy hating lazy slothy gluttonous, dirty monster. I don't like people to see me like that. So, I am also antisocial. Thank heavens it's above 15 today!

I also got a thank-you gift of a camera from Alicia's boyfriend who is still in Alberta. So, my lost camera has been replaced by a snazzy orange fabulous canon! I would have done all of these things for him anyway, because they're for Alicia and I love Alicia, but, that doesn't mean I won't take a thank-you in the form of a new camera.

I will be having an adventure Saturday this week. Maybe something sweet will happen with that.

Oh yah, speaking of which, the other Saturday I went with my small group on a hike up one of the hills outside of the city. It was actually a nice walk. They paved all of the hiking trails up here, and even put stairs into the hills, so you always know where you are. It's a strange thing. And, frankly, I find climbing 300 steps more difficult than climbing a slanted hill or a, I was a little pooped by the end of the 3 hour excursion. BUT, the part that was the best, was that is was so quiet. Not a sound except our breathing, the wind, and an occasional bird! The view was amazing, oceans and green hills. I felt like stopping right on the trail and pitching a tent and moving in. I simply belong in the country. Next year I think my friend and I are still going to try and move into a bit of a quieter area, so, I'm praying that we can. The issue is that one must take on a one year contract, and if I only sign from September when this lease is up, to June...that's ten months. So, we'd have to get special permission and have a ten month lease instead, and people don't always want that. So, it will take bit of a miracle...but, that's what God is in business to do. Miracles. Maybe not all the ones we we're trusting in him.

Anyway, I feel as though I have nothing of value to say, as I am without adventures. I"m going to write a book. Basically the only thing I know anything about is being Single. So, my friend and I are writing a book about being single. I feel it is a fun venture. If it sells, it sells. If not, at least it's thoughts on paper.

Ok, enough jabber....I miss you all. See you in June.


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