Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Febuary time!

Hong Kong is the place to be in february. It is warm now....well, warm is operative. It's not so cold now. The afternoons are a balmy 22 degrees, and the mornings are charming.

Since we last chatted, only a few things have happened.

My musical was cancelled. Well, "postponed" but no one knows what that means. It's good news for me because it was a fairly risky play, and I only went for it because I wanted to get my name out. Now, successfully, my name is out, and, I don't have to encourage men to strip on stage. Holla! And by "my name is out" I mean: people have asked me to sing at charity events and want to sing with me for musical reviews....yay!

Secondly, We finished those kindergarten interviews, pushing over 100 kids through over two weekends...I only put a star by 4 kids the second round...out of 60. So, if I have my way, I"ll get ten kids I like, and another random 8.

Thirdly, we just got back to work today from a nice ten day week off...thank the Lord for Chinese New Year, where people still celebrate the astrological signs of old...and apparently fight each other to be placed in a higher "lucky" category that their neighbours. Interesting. They also have decorative orange (tiny mandarin/tangerine) trees all over, perfectly uniform, and, cheery blossom trees which blossom right on Chinese New year! Amazing. Apparently young unmarried ladies are supposed to purchase these cherry blossom trees, and then walk around it "x" amount of times. If they do this for three consecutive years, they might find their true love. But for me, it didn't seem like it was worth the three year wait.

During the holiday I did some fabulous sight seeing of the island. I went to the North Western corner, Tseun Wan (pronounced Chun Whan). I got lost there in a graveyard with a friend of mine, as we were seeking the solice of a wide open grassy park land...ha ha ha is all I have to say to that. Hong Kong just does not understand "nature" or "parks".
I also went on to a "girls night" with several teaching colleagues. We enjoyed exploring a lovely little island off the airport called Ma Wan. I would very much like to live on this island next year, if at all possible! But convincing people that it's ok to travel for 45 minutes to work, and they've been living a 5 minute walk from work for the past year and a bit is no small task. And I don't know if I could live out there all alone.
Finally, I was invited back to the Sai Kung Area (which is heavenly) for a pig roast! It was lovely. Pig can be delicious! Not like a dry porkchop, but a moist pork neck...mmmmm.

Anyway, I feel much more rested than I have in a while, and that MAY just get me through to the next holiday which is in about 12 weeks.

Though I made promises to a couple of people to NOT make any life changing plans, it seems that I couldn't help myself, and have decided a couple of things.

#1: I want to get my international development masters degree at St. Mary's in Halifax.
#2: I am uncertain whether or not I can go there directly after this contract (fall 2012), OR, if I should work yet another two years before I go there, and thus be able to pay for the whole thing without any loans....

I am up for opinions, so leave a comment.

In not as nice news, I lost my camera. I am planning to get a new one soon, but until then, I once again will have to make lame entries....soon though I hope to be able to get back to photos again.

I am currently on a bit of a facebook fast, as I have so incredibly much work to get done by the end of Febraury. Therefore, I bid you adue, I should start on this "work".

Love you all.

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