Monday, November 15, 2010

The last little while

So, I have recently formed a small weekly event entitled "adventure saturdays". I am fairly sure that it is exactly what you think it is. We get a group together and we embark on an adventure! We attempted to have one last week, however, no one was around on Saturday, and then on Sunday, after church, it wasn't realiztically in our time frame to have any adventures, so, we went up the peak and did a small walking trail. It was beautiful. Just not quite what I'd thought.

So, anyway, this past Saturday, Alicia and I had our first Adventure Saturday. We spent roughly two hours reaching the disembarking town of Sai Kung, and then had to grab lunch and spend a bit of time getting lost finding the right bus. Eventually, after figuring out where the bus was hiding, we got to ride up the winding, twisting narrow roads to our destination. Sai Kung Country Park (aka: Hong Kong geological park). The "hike" is listed on the outdoors guide. From the starting point, it is typically between one hour and 4 to the end, and then back to the can make for a full day depending on how far you choose to travel.

The first thing that we were excited about was that there were cows. Right on the paved roadway, much like you would see a horse nibbling on grass on a farm. Just ignoring us and choming away. There was one part where we tried to touch some small ones and take their picture...mostly because they weren't running away. It almost, for a split second, made me feel like I was one with nature.

So, we continued forth, only getting a little lost before finding our path. What confused us is that we were looking for a path...a hiking trail, like you would find in Canada, where you leave the road and start meandering through brush and avoiding deer droppings, hopping over falled logs. You know. It's Canada. Well, unfortunately, our hiking trail was actually following the road. We were expected to walk along the road, most of the time on the side walk, passing by so much nature that we couldn't touch, and then we would 4 hours later, reach our final destination. There are many beautiful views to see, but you can't ever get close enough to be a part of them. It was really quite upsetting.

In good news, an hour and a half in, we found a dam of boulders built up and some treet. We had to jump the fence to sit on the boulders, but, praise the Lord we did. We touched the rocks, we touched the water, and we found a small cove of trees to take some lovely photos in. It was the most nature I'd seen in ages, and I was grateful for the experience, but, I'm still sad that you can't just go into the forrest. Apparently you can die by Cobra, or they don't want you polluting their land, so they just paved it all and fenced it off. Lovely. Anyway, just saying, there is no freedom like in Canada. Even hikes in the woods are man made here.

On that note, I do want to point out that the city life is no longer exciting. The nostaligia of convinience has all but faded away and left me with a bitterness towards noise and lack of peace. But, then, as I begin to complain...I remember that I can go outside without a jacket. And I shut right up. I can go back to see nature, but if I was stuck in -40 for several minutes, let alone several days, I'd be sad... far more sad.

Things at school are boring, but funny. I feel like it is odd to separate them that way, but it's true. I am bored with the job, but the kids themselves offer amusement. I have them call me Miss Awesome now, and they do it. And I tell them that anything at all is dangerous and their faces light up...example: "kids, this other teacher that you don't know is dangerous...he makes friends with tigers".... "Miss Awesome, reall? do you think he has weapons, can he be our teacher? Does he live in a cage? Does he turn into a monster at night? Does he play with the megladon?" Yes. These are all actual questions recieved, and yes, I answered them all correctly....yes. But, they are a hoot. One kid when he talks about himself, instead of pointing at his chest like normal people, he points to his nose! I absoltuely get a kick out of it.

The house is ok. No more sign of raoches...Warrior princess Talia took them all out. I'm proud, to say the least. I have most of the items of furniture that i need set up, and am thinking now about painting the walls and getting more linen for the guest rooms and accessories to primp it up. The whole thing might not be finshed this year, BUT, my guess is right around the time I'm ready to leave, it will finally be just right...and then I'll sell it all and start over with something else, somewhere else.

I am still enjoying the choir I'm in, and I hope to audition for their show in the spring. Also, I'm now in a theatre troupe at my new church, and am participating in the Christmas show there.

I just booked tickets to Singapore and Malaysia for Christmas, and will be enjoying another 3 day mission trip right before we fly for that. Basically Christmas is going to be awesome!

I had a couch surfer come and stay with me. He was 23 and on a huge epic finding himself travel journey. His feet were very smelly, but, he brought gifts of wine and such. Very kind overall. I'm not sure how often I'll be hosting...likely not much. Strangers make me weary, but, this guy had to sleep at McDonalds for two nights, which must have been horrible...and I was hosted when I needed a place, so, I felt bad for him. anyway, for the first experience, it was really positive.

Christmas is coming to our school..but it doesn't feel like it due to beautiful sunny days. So, we're decorating christmas tree's tomorrow in an attempt to bring the spirit of the season to the campus. I'm directing the kindergarten christmas show as well, and add that to GID (the missions trips) and the normal planning and the upcoming auditions for the spring high school musical (interestingly enough, it's beauty and the beast...and I'll be doing the acting direction for the show), I'm feeling a little busy. BUt, God is good...I could be BORED! That would never do.

All for now. I'll have some more advenutures, or maybe, just maybe, I'll finally get my pictures off my camera! And post them. But my internet is broken for a couple of days, we'll have to see.

Much love.


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