Tuesday, October 26, 2010

strange things to see

So, I've recently been told, and fairly enough because it's nothing but truth, that I haven't been writing very much! I know! I am so sorry. You may be getting close to panic, thinking that I've been eaten by wild Panda bears, or perhaps that I had been kidnapped by a ninja. Luckily for all of us, none of these is the case. I am safe and sound.

Let's catch up with life first, and then I'll tell you about some of the unique and interesting things that go on here in Hong Kong.

So, for starters, it took 5 weeks, but I finally have internet installed in my home. That is a treasure that I don't take lightly. The first Saturday that I had it, I skyped with 5 different people. Since then, I've lightened up a bit, but, I was trying to play catch up. It's just nice to be able to skype or be able to post pictures, or enjoy looking things up without having to walk all the way to the school.

the last few weeks I have been incredibly busy. This job is much harder than my last one becaues they hold you accountable to everything, and rightfully so, but I have to make sure my plans are tip top and constantly in order, because they're handed in daily. Plus, for some reason, I am seen as being a pretty big resource in the kindergarten wing. I happen to know both alberta curriculum and have some experience, which seems to make me a guru on the subjects. So, I am now the designated "notes home" writer, and I'm directing the kindergarten christmas play, and sorting out parents and planning bit events, AND, attempting to help a couple of the other KG teachers to feel confident and give them some ideas.... way to much on my work plate. Plus, truth be told, I'm already a little bored of the monotony of kindergarten. I enjoy the kids, but I can't imagine at this point, being able to get through the rest of this year, let alone next....it's just all the same, and it's all so simple.

Alas, I have digressed into a state of complaint (rhyme), useless. Other than work being busy, life is good. My Christmas choir has had several rehearsals now, and I really like being a part of the group. The people are incredibly serious about their music, and I often laugh at the situation. Heaven forbid if you forget your starting note, or if you don't pronounce the word endings with excessive force. I laugh a lot, but mostly at the people. I mean, we're carol singers... and don't get me wrong. I take music and skill fairly seriously, and I enjoy knowing I'm doing a good job, but, this is way over the top....like something you'd find in a mockumentary.

Recently we went to a swing dancing Italian restaurant. Well, the restaurant didn't dance, per say...but we did. After eating delicious and overpriced Italian food. They have a beginners lesson around 8pm for a half hour, and then, it's free dance time!!! I did have a great time. Part of me wants to become a regular attender, but another part of me just doesn't have the energy. I am really having a hard time being productive. I think it stems from not having everything in my house organized, which stems from not having the money to furnish it all at once, so not everything has a home, and then it gets messy....blah blah, but, it's draining. I don't have energy to get to the gym in the morning, or to do any school work in the evenings, not totally like me. I'm typically a fair bit more ambitious than I have been, but, I also know that it'll come together soon. I think.

So, tomorrow, I leave on a trip. Some might call it a missions trip, though, I feel the need to be careful with how I say it. Therefore, I will call it a school trip. We are going to a place in China (me, 4 other teachers, and a group of 30 high schoolers), called Kai Ping. Here we will minister to those who are in a legal church (there are steps to legalize churches now). We will teach English lessons at several schools, and we will visit the homes of believers. I am thrilled to be going as a chaperone. I get to see cool things, and watch these kids develop relationships with kids in China who haven't heard of Jesus. I am preparing myself to be blessed. The trip is 4 days long, and there is another in December, before Christmas.

I have also planned to take a couple friends with me to Singapore for the actual Christmas season, where I will eat and make merry with the Schmidt family, and then we are debating a trip to Indonesia or Vietnam for a week of post Christmas adventure.

So, now that I've caught you up on the ongoings of my recent past, do let me tell you a few of the crazy things that you can see here... most of which I find endearing.

1. Stomachs and full birds hanging from restaurant windows. Yes, that is correct. Stomachs...of cows presumably hang on hooks in the window, displayed for you to select your favorite size, shape, and texture. Also, they eat chicken, duck, and pigeon in full form over here. So, to describe it to you in a nice way, in a window you will see a bird who has died, and all of his feathers "fell out"...but you can still see the WHOLE bird....eyes, ears, beak, neck, feet...and then if you order it, you just get a bird on a platter that you can dig through. And, the meat is most often steamed, so it still looks raw...and the skin is so thick.... But, it's an experience to be able to look your food in the eye.

2. Elderly people. I guess that might not sound that interesting, but it's more a matter of what the elderly people do than it is that they are around. In the morning, between 5 and 10am, you can see an assortment of elderly people on the sidewalk and in small parks doing Tai Chi. Some are very impressive, they all have matching silk outfits. Some do the exercise with swords, which others dance with fans. Regardless, their movements are in sync, and they do look relaxing. Some of the seniors participating must be over 90 years old. It's brilliant. Also, there are men who stop at parks, or on sidewalks where they have preset boards, and they'll play majong together, or other board games. There are three men who come and play just outside our school gates everyday. It reminds me of men who play chess at central park in New York. It's the same endearing and peaceful feeling. The only other thing to say about elderly people is that when you are in a hurry, and you're behind one, watch out! They veer in snake-like patters on the sidewalk, and you think maybe you can pass on the left...but then they start walking left. Then, it's ok, because you'll go around the right side. Lies. There goes that senior...plowing to the right. It's a bit irritating. But when you stop and think about it, there is certainly humor there.

3. Dogs. NOT as in dog meat. That is saved for lower China. But, the people of Hong Kong absolutely love their dogs. Even in the smallest apartment, where a family has two kids, they might also have two or three dogs. Always matching in breed. If you have a pug, you'll have two or three pugs....never mix and match. The dogs are always immaculately groomed. I have seen puffy golden retrievers! And puffy border collies. Let's not even get started on poodles. They will walk the dogs around, complete with booties so they don't get their tender paws dirty, and then carry newspaper with them. When the dog needs to have a toilet break, the owner bends down, puts the newspaper right under their bums, and catches their dogs feces. Then, they wipe their bum with a tissue. No one wants a dirty bum on a dog. I can't quite get over the hilarity of the way they treat their dogs, but I do know, if I was a dog, I would want it to be here.

4. Outrageous shopping. Well, that isn't really a shocker. I mean, things here are over the top in a lot of ways. Your gucci, louis v, chanel, coach. Almost always right in the same are so that they can compete. But, if you wanted to spend money, you most certainly could. They have these crazy boutiques as well, with amazing clothes, nothing like chain brands, BUT, they cost an arm and a leg. My favorite thing though is that many of the boutiques are in amongst weird places. I know that I can walk down a smelly busy, very "local" street, and between the three Chinese food restaurants and the car parts salon or the snack shop, I can find a posh, high class boutique shop. But, shopping and where to go has never been of interest to me. My favorite thing is how they advertise! A few weeks ago, in the center of a mall, live models stood holding bags from a specific store, in that store's clothes, and then would stand very still and only move every one in a while. Another time, passing by a Calvin Klein store, I saw live mannequins. They would freeze in the window, and every 30 seconds or so would find a new pose. It's all very interesting and splendidly fun to watch. My new favorite phrase, which me and a couple of friends use is : "only in Hong Kong". And it's true. But, there were other random things in Abu Dhabi, and more different ones in New York, and plenty of other places I've been...but, Hong Kong, like many other cities, has a feel all it's own.

The other day I went to a new district of HK, at least new to me. It was the "dollar store" district. It had a store for party gifts. A store for halloween costumes. A store for bulk school prizes. There was an individual store for everything. Good bye Wal mart! Hello 15 stop shopping. Not nearly as convnient, but, I find it interesting. I ended up buying erasers that were shaped like foods as prizes for my kids. There were also erasers shaped like tools. Excellent. Pretty much, if you can imagine it, you can find it...or get it made. That goes for just about anything. You can walk into a shop and say...well, I like what you have BUT, I'd really like THIS. And they'll whip it up for you.

In the grocery stores you can purchase all of your alcohol, and you can drink it, like a can of pop. Of course, I don't. But you can. That is a far cry from Abu Dhabi.

My favorite part of the city is being able to just get on a bus and go somewhere. Not needing to share a car. Just, freedom. I enjoy freedom.

I had a fever yesterday. It hit really quick, and left as well fairly quick, but I'm so thankful for this day off because I am literally sitting on the couch in my pajamas and it's almost 1pm. It's ok to rest when you're sick. So, I'm resting.

Later today, I will go to my favorite sandwich shop. It costs between 5 and 8 Canadian so true smoked salmon, plus a side, plus a drink, and it's an enormous sandwich. Or, the same for a duck sandwich with seafood sauce...cooked to perfection. mmmmm. Gotta love cheap eating.


I'll think of more random things and post them. I will also do my best to bi-weekly write. Routine will set in.

Love you all..

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