Saturday, February 20, 2010

RAK 1/2 marathon

So, I know that I was supposed to write last weekend, because I had a long weekend, and I thought I would do something fun. It turns out, I had practically zero dollars, and therefore, I couldn't do very much. So, I ended up staying home and working. I worked on planning, made some centers. It was awfully lame seeing as several of my friends went into Dubai to fancy hotels, or, went to Istanbul for the weekend. I did however get to sunbath at a friends house..she lives in a compound with a heated pool, so that was really nice.

During the last week two weeks of school we went on two field trips with the kids. The first was to a place called Kids Park. It was really cool, the kids got to run around feeding animals. The guy running it was a bit of a dipstick. He thought he was pretty great with kids...but he wasn't. That became a bit of a thorn in my side for that trip, however, the kids enjoyed themselves, and overall, it was nice.

The second trip was to a musical that the city put on, it was Cinderella, and the picture on the brochure was the actual picture of Disneys cinderella, so, I was unsure of whether it would be the Roger's and Hammerstein version, or a disney version...well, it was neither. It was a low budget version that the company made up on their own...the music was ok, and they tried to implement some modern songs into one from high School Musical, and also one from the radio as of late (which might not have been the most suitable for a young audience). Anyways, it was fun, really really, the children didn't stop screaming (and there were 2000 children there). I was not happy with the ticket company. They were contracted seperatley just to sell tickets for the theatre, but, they oversold the shows, so there weren't enough seats for everyone. It was a big problem. There were kids sitting on steps and parents were standing...not well planned. It wasn't very organized, and the company, british that they were, said a few bad words like idiot and damn...which again, isn't really child appropriate...but again, the kids loved one died or got lost in the shuffle of thousands of kids, and, the students had a theatre experience, which was the goal.

This weekend, I ran in the Ras Al Kamar (RAK) half marathon. I did it with three other a relay style, which was an option for the event. Each of my three colleagues ran 5Km, and then I ran the last 6Km back to the finish line. the event was well organized and well planned (which doesn't happen often in this country). I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the other runners. Because a lot of teams were running for charity and weren't as gung hoe as the full half marthon runners, they were all fun to chat with, and meet, and run alongside. The last stretch took me 43 minutes to do...which for me isn't bad...but because all three of the other girls were done in wicked times, the whole thing took us 2:06, which I'd say is pretty good considering we had to switch bands at every trade off. The whole thing inspired me once again to work towards a full half marathon. Not to do a lot, but just to do one and add it to my list of life accomplishment. I think I'm going to try getting back into running a bit on non-bootcamp days. Getting through to the finish line, though you're body doesn't know whether to laugh or cry or sit, or fall, or rush to the's invigorating! I suggest you all do one.

This coming week should be a short week for students as Thursday (our Friday in the week), we have a PD day of all things. I haven't heard what the PD will be on, or, if it'll be legit. or not...maybe we'll just get the day off...who knows. Regardless, they seem to be planning something finally to help us with our teaching! Ha ha, it's the only one scheduled for the whole year, so i'm not holding my breath.

We also have Alberta Accreditation coming to observe us and read through our planning books and our assessment things. I recently went on a rampage to make sure all was in order...which it :) I don't know what they're looking for, but, I hope for the sakes of the first year teachers who are staying...those from Alberta anyway, that it does get a full accreditation, because that means that we're one stop closer to being able to go for the permanent certificate.

Anyway. Other than that, I'm still going strong with bootcamp. This past week was Hell week, which means that they basically that the things that you thought were so difficult that first week, and they double them!!! So, you never stop moving. I wanted to fall over by the end of leg day. and I hurt for the entire week afterward. Luckily, today I'm not so sore, and I cleaned my house from top to bottom, so i don't feel so much like a dirt mongrol anymore.

I'm still in rehearsal for Beauty and the beast, and loving every moment of's my favorite thing. I think I might go and get my masters in theatre afterall...I just love it so very much.

I can't think of anything more to tell you. Enjoy your days and evenings. Blessings and love to you!



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