Sunday, December 13, 2009


So, one of the other things that you should have been told ages ago, but I kept on forgetting, is that here...the more unified, thick, and dark your eyebrows are, the better. Some women even draw in lines between their eyebrows to "connect" them. My shaped and thinned eyebrows are not the most attractive thing, however, as a "westerner" they find it acceptable for ME to do it...just not them. Ha ha!

The other thing to mention is that yesterday and today it rained and rained...or rather, it poured! The streets are completely flooded, there is no drainage system at all. We almost filled up the car at a few traffic was deep, and we were going really really slow. Havoc. It's absolute havoc on the roads. Plenty of cars on the highway continue to rush around at speeds well above 180KM/hr, and hydroplaning is also a problem. I've seen quite a few accidents this week. Silly people. At least I have the benefit of knowing that I can drive in snow, and therefore, I can drive in rain. I shouldn't die from this. Anyway, fields are flooded, and roofs are all leaking (because you can't test houses for water seals in the summer), and it's pretty much awesome. The real news is that now that it's rained for three days in a row, it's unlikely that it will rain again until next year at this time. can't complain about the weather when the "rough stuff" lasts but a half of a week.

That's all for today!

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