Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Dust came

So, today we had our first dust storm. It's pretty intense to watch. The sand and dust begin swarming up in a big wall and all of a sudden, you can't see the buildings across the road! Dust will get in your eyes just by opening a door, kids were playing out on the field for recess in goggles to protect them. And, you have to keep your mouth closed too, or the dust will get inbedded in your teeth...which is gritty and gross and you can't find it all for a long time, the pieces are so small they can keep hiding no matter how many times you rinse out your mouth. Our friend Joy drove home during a spare to close windows, she closed ours, thank heavens. One other girl didn't have her's closed...and there is sand all over her house. it blows right to the far end, covering the kitchen, living room, furniture. Woah.

In other news. I keep remembering ridiculous things that pass for logic here, and then I forget to write them down, so I can't blog them. But, maybe by publically declaring that I will, I might remember.

Anyway, I'm going to be back in 8 days...and in Edmonton in just 10. Can you all wait?? I'll bet your not even breathing from excitment. I'll try and remember the cool points before I go home, that way, I'll have some neat things to show and tell.

that's all, short and sweet.


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