Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, I was sick two weeks ago during my last post, I had one healthy week, and I'm sick again today! ha ha, I just can't shake it. Jordan Majeau says it's because the "vermin" that I work with carry too much "disease". With slightly differing terminology, I might be willing to agree.

Anyway, being sick always makes me lazy, so instead of dusting the house and cleaning the floor, I sat around on the couch for a while, did some kindergarten stuff (so I wasn't completely useless), and I then created a delicious cinnimon sugar gluten free bread/dessert cake. I am pretty sure that it is about the best gluten free thing that can be made...though, I'm looking for a good gluten free cinnamon bun recipe too. Basically, my room mate has celiac's disease, and I've been doing plenty of research on a lot of things and decided to try being gluten free. I actually want to do the entire "hormone" diet to find things that most doctors and even natural paths may have trouble discovering, however, I can't do it until the summer. If I order it now, there is no guarantee that it'll be here by June! Ha ha.

So, this half of the year is the half where I really delve into life here in the middle east. Though it will cost me a bit more money, I've decided that since I already have a new job lined up (which I'll discuss in a moment), and it's almost impossible to pay anything off from here anyway, as we make squat all, I figured that I'd just sent smaller installments home, and at least enjoy a bit of my time. So, I am involved in a weekly volleyball team, we play other commuity teams, and it's a great way to meet other expats, and just have recreational fun. I start a bootcamp on Monday that will be three days a week, and, the best news...I JOINED A MUSICAL! I'm going to be in beauty and the beast. Most of the people are fact, I don't think anyone is local...even local to the middle east. many are from UK, and the states. maybe a few Canadians, but I'm really not sure, I only went once, so I have to break into the community. I'm so excited! I missed the big auditions, by about two weeks, so I'm going to be in the chorus, which should be a great time. Aiming for the role of napkin during the "be our guest" number.
One of my co-workers is also in the show, and we're both really looking forward to the experience. This is way way out of her comfort zone, so it's a fun mix. The director is here teaching school, but he's also trained in New York as a stage's funny where life takes some people.

So, Basically, time should fly, I'll be busy, active, and hopefully, I'll be healthy (fingers crossed!).

In other news, I have decided to for sure go to Hong Kong for a two year contract. The offer is a good one for someone with my limited experience, and the job is guaranteed as one at home might not be. It was a difficult decision, but, now that it's made, I feel good about it, and I think it will be a great life experience. Plus, I"ll only be 26 when I get home again, that's not super old. Likely I'll be able to pay off my debt (though, I'm also hoping to take a two year master's degree via correspondence, meaning I might put money into that too)...but, with no debt, and a masters, even if I don't have a great deal of savings, I can get ahead. Who knows what'll happen? Only time will tell.

As per usual, I'm frustrated with things not working here, and people not coming to fix them. We have been having trouble with our internet kidding, and, also, I recently found out that not only are flicker, and eharmony illegal, but so is SKYPE! Ha ha, but they can't do anything about it, so when you use it...sometimes they just turn off your connection. I guess I'm not allowed to say dirty, rude, or inappropriate things, or swear. Some others who have boyfriends at home and their messages get a little graphic have been having a lot of trouble.

They are sensoring this very blog message. I could talk about how I really wish I had my own privacy in regards to my own belongings, however, then they'll stop my internet connection for badmouthing the government, so I won't do that...but, it does force people to go under the table for a lot of things. But I guess to the public eye, pornography isn't a problem here. lol.

Anyway, other than that, I'm just chilling. The weather is not yet nice enough to start up beach days again, so that'll have to wait, though the afternoon's are pretty nice. just mornings and nights are cold.

I got my drivers' licence. It's written in Arabic, and it's awesome. I'll keep it as a trinket for when I go home.

Miss you all dearly, keep in touch!


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