Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Really...was that necessary?

So, the last two days here have been frustrating to say the least. We ended up doing a little shopping, which was fun. At least fun in the areas that are a bit more expensive. Of course, the women's clothing here is abismal, and even though they have killer brands and awesome new styles for men's clothes (yes, Bradley cashed in!), the ladies selection reminds me of Hangers or Saan. So, we didn't have too much luck, but we did actually find asome really classy tunics!

Anyway, later in the day, we decided to go to the BAzaar, which we were told was best to do at night. We were given horrible directions from not only one, but two people, and instead of finding what we were looking for, we got really deep into a "local zone" which is bad news for us ladies. I totally understand why the women don't speak up, on top of their husbands beating them, the local men will embarass and humiliate them into submission! For instance, Beth and I had things thrown at us, we were whistled at, called gross names (and that's only what we understood in english), had our bumbs pinched (that was actually jsut me, but it's the second time), people never look "up", they honk, they are just so very rude. No one else told them that it's rude to stare, or to assume that women find you attractive when you hiss at them. t's really too bad, but I came out of that hour of being lost wishing very strongly that I had no female anatomy that would let them all know what I really was. I HATE it here. mostly because of the men.

Finally we found the bazaar (after a diamond in the rough type man led us all the way (about 1/2 hour out of his way) to the actual location we were supposed to find, and didn't even take any money!). We were tired, and I hated everything, and I certainly was frazzled, because, of course, I didnt' feel safe. How could I feel safe there?

so, we did some shopping but it wasn't as fun, mostly because they didn't really like to barter. They'd say a price, and that was it. And you'd leave, and they'd let you. So, we might have got jipped when we finally did start buying things. Who knows. They wouldn't budge.

We took a taxi home, and I was glad because I was at the point of wanting to hide away in my hostel room until we left, rather than walk around with those extreme creepers any longer.

Today, we tried to find the post office. Another bad time. First, surprise of all surprises, we got hopelessly lost, we even took a cab, and they got lost! So, when we finally found it, and got to the right department, we were annoyed, but at least we figured it all out. We were able to ship our package, which should arrive in a month (so no one expect any gifts until then), but the worst part was that we couldn't ship everything We'd brought some alcohol from Greece, and we had hoped to ship it home, as well as a knife bought here in the bazaar, but these are restricted items! So, we shipped all we could, and then were told that the only place to ship these "restricted items" was at the DHL. So, again, we had some men, who felt obligated I suppose, lead us for fifteen mintues through the city to find it, and finally we got there, and they wouldn't ship it either! Well, they would ship the alcohol, for about 200 CAN dollars which is 10 times the cost of the drink itself. And they wouldn't ship the knife. I guess we needed a purchase invoice. BUt, we bought it at an antique shop at the bazaar, and though the man knew we needed the invoice, he never offered it, and we didn't know we needed it, and there was literally no way for us to find his booth again except for spending hours trying to remember which pathway we went through and when....so, we were sunk.

We decided to go then to the Egyptian museum, which was a joke in and of itself. First of all, we were in a bad mood, so keep that in mind. Secondly, we went up with our student cards, and ever though there are student and adult prices listed, they told us that the cards were no good there!! THey'd worked everywhere else in Egypt!! i wanted to strangle someone!

Then, we had to go through not one, but two metal detectors, and then they sent me back out because I had a camera...but no where did they say that you couldn't have a camera. Why they dont' post things to make it easy, I'll never know. So I had to go all the way back out, and then check my camera into a "safe room" (yah right - is anythign here really safe) and then go all the way back through the ticket thing, and into the metal detector. Well, by the time we could actually look at stuff we were all so very pissed off we couldn't talk to each other. Nothing here makes sense, and not just "you don't know the system" sense, but common sense! They don't have any!

Looking around the museum, I just felt more angry. They have tons of cool things to see, and it really should be a cool time and a cool visit, but they have no air conditioning, and they just throw all of these priceless artifacts into corners, and all over. SOmeone of them are so blocked by other exhibits, you can't even read the little inscription, which brings me to another point...most of the artifiacts didn't even have a lable, a date, and inscription at all, but those that did were written on looseleaf, or type written on yellow cards. Nothing looked official. It was all garbage. I mean, if we in Edmonton were in the posession of such valuable things, we would have them encased in highly shatterproof glass, and with a plaque, and all laid out in it's own room so that you could see it from all angles. It was truly a waste, and ridiculous!

So, basically I will never come back here. I'm glad that I haven't been called as a missionary here, or I would be liable to snap and go on a spree of hatred.

There are so many things that they do that don't make sense...like, for instance, stores.

You look outside and window shop at the things that you think you might like, then, you go into the store (which appears to be empty) and you sit and wait. Then, in a somewhat take a number system (though as white people, you always wait longer), they take you outside, one by one, and look at what you were thinking of, and then they'll bring it for you. It is the least efficient system I've ever seen.

Safe with the bakery. same with so many things here.

I'm not even sure that the truly beautiful and unforgettable moments actually make up for the garbage that we've been though. One cabby would charge us 20 EP and the next 5 EP and you never know what you're going to get. It's super lame. I really really hope that Jordan and Israel are better. Tomorrow, we're flying to the coast of the Red sea, and then we'll spend a night climbing mt. Sinai and st. catherines, before heading to JOrdan and then catchign up with ellend in Isreal for a while.

Stay tuned.

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