Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ios, it's not for everyone

So, we arrived in Ios after an early but brief fairy ride. First thing that we saw was a beautiful mountain with high jagged sides all around. There are fewer buildings built on the hill itself, obviously the rock is less conducive than that of Santorini for building things right into the rock, so most buildings are on the base. The buildings themselves are not as cool, not as smooth, fewer domed roofs, and fewer white buildings with blue contrasting roofs.

We got there and out hostel guy picked us and a bunch of others up on a boat, and told us that he lives part time in Greece and the other part in Brazil. At first I though, cool. That's awesome. Then, I heard that he'd been doing that for 22 years...which made him sound like a wanna be partyer who never could land a real serious girlfriend and now in his near old age is destined to be a sick bachelor who has no heir. So sad. But, for now, it's a great life!

We got to our hostel...The "Far Out" Campers Village. Quite funny. A real "resort" for backpackers. Our room was a large tent shaped building (traditional triangle tent) with a wooden door, wooden sides, and a tent fabric roof...and inside were three cots and a light. NOthing else. NOt a pillow or sheet or anything.

After looking around the island, we realized we were not going to have a killer time, and wished we'd stayed in Santorini longer. Mostly because it was low season still (yep, in EarlyJune) and so restaurants either weren't open or only sold part of their menu, the bakery only had a few thigns as well, and there wasn't a lot going on. Also, when we arrived, around 10, no one was awake..and they weren't awake until well past two. It seems we'd hit a "party island" where everyone goes out and parties until seven in the morning, then stumbles down to their shanti (in the shanti town, which we'd coined our little hut) and then sleeps off the hangover. Sounds rigth up our alley.....

That night, after being beach bumbs, we tried to sleep in our little shanty. Boy were we in for a surprise! ANTS! Abnd Mosquitoes!!! Best friends for life in that little shanty. We didn't sleep a wink, the whole night. We had no blankets, and though we wore long sleved clothing, there was no stopping them. They bit and bit and bit, and you'd shake one off only to find seven more all around...gross. We "woke" up in the morning with bites EVERYWHERE....all over toes, hands, faces, necks, tummys...there was no hiding from the ants. At least you could kill the mosquitoes, but the ants were so small and light, you didn't feel them till they bit you. So sad. And we had to spend another four nights we decided to upgrade. We spent an axtra 5 euro/night to go into a "condo" which is really a hut with three beds and a fan, but no bugs!

Most of the time in Ios, people partied and we layed on the beach. WE are quite dark. There was literally nothing else to do. We did go into town one day, but it was as dead as the beach. A few shops and overpriced eateries (because food here is way more money because the eitnire island is catered entirely to tourists), and some awesome local jewlery, but we managed to stay about two hours before boredom set in and the beach and our books carried us through the day.

WE did meet some interesting young ladies. They were Canadian (which I was ashamed of) and they made is feel so glad to have kept our brain cells for as long as we did. This girl kept telling us all the places that she'd travelled and yet, she only had washed her clothes twice in the two.5 months she was gone, and she was so very drunk that she told us how she never finished school but works at a pizza place in Calgary, though, she offered us free pizza right away if we should go to visit. We hope not to see her again. Or her equally drunk and boisterous friends.

On the last day there, we did end up doing some really neat things. WE took a small tour, and got to ride with Kayaks through the mediterranean and then had a barbeque on the beach and ddi soem snorkelling. The snorkelling was horrid because the equipment was out of shape. I kept getting water in my mouth and therefore in my lungs, and the other one you couldnt see through because it was so smoggy. The fish weren't even that cool, but the water was wonderful.

Next we did a cliff jump. Really nice. 10 meters, and when I looked down, I didn't think I'd do it. I had completely psyched myself out...but, I jumped, and before i knew it, I was in the water shouting "I'm OK!". I was glad I did it. It was exhilerating.

Our final stop on that trip was a nude beach. very strange, to see people so very comfortable with their bodies being displayed for all to see. I mean, I'm all about freedom, but there is a time and place. Certainly an experience though....and no, we did not participate with the "freedom".

We grabbed our stuff then, and went to the pier where we had an fairy to Athens which would arrive at 2 am....and begin the day of Hell!!!!!

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